

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Oh let it Snow!

 I am extremely, absolutely incandescently happy!!! I never thought it possible but here in North Carolina it actually snowed not only once, but twice in just two weeks time. Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles our prayers for a little taste of the north were answered by God and he brought forth snow. It actually felt like New England our home, my family and I needless to say were exceptionally pleased and delighted with the snow. We built snow forts and made snow angels, and well just danced around in it savoring every moment of the time we have with the snow. To many this may sound quite silly, but I know many others will understand when you move away from something you love, and finally have the chance to re-experience what you have missed for so long, you enjoy every minute of it. It was such a wonderful blessing to have 4 inches of snow, which is a large amount for the south. It was actually quite amusing watching people try to maneuver their way around all the snow because well they are not used to it. School was canceled for 3 days, and federal and government building were shut down for two! Honestly up north we would have had only an hour day maybe two, and work would not have been called off. But it is now melting due to the high jump in temperatures, the snow will be missed but we were all able to enjoy it for awhile and for that I am thankful.
This is from the first snowfall.

Frozen water

Crystalized Ice encrusting a small area of brown grass

A solitary leaf, it looks a bit lonely without its friends

Snow sprinkled generously atop bright green bushes literally bursting with life.

I rather enjoy this photo, it looks lovely

Brayden inspecting the snow , this was the first snow he was actually able to play in without our help.

A light dusting but still beautiful

Bits of dry grass peeking out from the snow

Early morning shadows from the trees protect the snow from melting

The wind was blowing the pine needles right in front of my camera

Now that is a better shot! I just really liked the way this pinecone stood out from the tree.
This is from the second snowfall.
This is a lone horse that actually walked up to myself and Brayden for the first time since we moved here.

He was awfully hungry, and he was chowing down on the sprigs of grass that popped up through the snow.

I couldn't resist walking closer.....

And closer until his ears pinned back and he started pawing the ground with his hoof. Too close, sorry fella!

Brayden glancing quickly at me and booking it towards the barb wire fence. Needless to say I couldn't capture him the way I wanted to.

Seth to the rescue! What a smile, he was giggling uncontrollably!

Brushing snow off of his face, and Seth helped him make....

A baby snow angel!! How adorable is that!?

Simply adorable, I love my siblings! When I can capture them on camera, they're pretty elusive whenever I pop out the camera to take a photo.
Snow, how magical it can make the world appears when all seems lost. I am so grateful for the blessing God bestowed upon my family and I for this cold, white fluff was sorely missed by us all.
Okay this video I found on Youtube was just too cute!! Look at their little faces, oh my gosh they are so sweet! Thought you all might like this. :)


  1. Hello from a new follower! :-)
    I also live in North Carolina, so I definitely relate to the surprise of last week's snow...we got about 3 inches where we live. :-) Thanks for sharing all of your lovely pictures of it!

    1. Hey Shannon! Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for following me! I hope you had fun in the snow and I know I sure did. :) I am so excited to have a follower on my blog, at first I thought I was just talking to myself lol! :) And everyone down here was telling me how crazy it was to have snow and jokingly said we brought Northern weather down with us haha! I thought that was pretty funny. Blessings to you!


    2. I also love your blog, you share so many of my interests and I am now a follower of your blog as well. The posts you have are awesome! And as I am Irish, you totally won brownie points on me lol! :)


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