Do you ever feel like your life is swallowing you whole? As though you are swimming and swimming towards land but can't ever seem to reach the shore where you know safety abounds? Well that is exactly how I feel at this time of my life, where I have more questions than I have answers for and honestly I am so very confused about it all. Constant fear, anxiety, skepticism clouds my thoughts throughout the day and well into the night, I can never find the relief I crave! I want to just yell at the world to stop throwing all these poisonous thoughts at me so I can breathe the fresh air once more, there are many times I just want to scream it's too much! Yet I know I cannot because God did not give me a spirit of fear but of strong faith that is found only though him. I will admit though it can be extremely difficult to hear his voice above all the noise of the world and I constantly have to remind myself that God is there through it all and he will grab my hand and bring me to shore, he will open up the walls that are closing in on me and provide the free air that I need. I have been reading my bible a lot lately, I crave his word on a daily basis it provides me with so much comfort and my soul feels at peace. No the troubles of the world haven't gone away but I know God will be there through it all and I need to seek him whenever I feel anything that is not of the Lord.
I am at a serious crossroads right now, and any decision I make will alter the course of my life either for the better or for the worse, but I believe that all will be well. As long as I choose what God has in mind for me rather than what I want or what the world pushes on me everything will fall into place. Now that doesn't mean I won't struggle because I know I will, it also doesn't mean I won't fail or become fearful either, but by choosing God, what else do I have to lose? Honestly, if you were me, you would know what I was talking about because let me tell you life right now is difficult but I'm okay knowing God will be there just waiting for me to call upon him and seek him out for his guidance. Reading the bible comforts me and praying to God helps relieve all the anguish that I hold inside everyday just so I can push on throughout the day. And God has heard my cry of help. This Monday I have an job interview, a small glimmer of hope. Lord willing, this will lead to a job because I am utterly desperate for one, I need this more than anything but I could definitely use the prayers. If you all could, would you mind saying an extra prayer? It is greatly appreciated.

And this is just to name a few of the bible verses that have given me such encouragement lately and I hope they do the same for you too!
God Bless you all,
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