

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Finally some long awaited photos.

These are not the most recent up to date photos, but I think they will do just fine for now. All of the photos I am about to show here were taken in Rhode Island not in North Carolina, but I hope you all enjoy them just the same!

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  Flowing river in the park

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At the time this was the newly repaired bridge, you could smell the fresh wood and the protective stain that was applied just days before.

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My sister gazing at the water on the bridge.

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A never ending path, I would walk along that path forever daydreaming about so many things.... And watching out for bears.

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The dwindling fall leaves captured my attention and I had to capture this rare photo opportunity. I love taking photos of things that people don't usually pay any mind to.

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Not the best, but I think I like it.

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The sun peeking through the barren tree tops, the glare really hurt my eyes! (smiles)

And now for some beach photos, oh how I miss and long for the beach!!

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A lone shell with tiny little foot marks scattered about.

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Wild flowers were in full bloom and brought such lovely color to the slightly grey day we spent on the beach.

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This boastful flower was just begging for some attention so I took its photograph. It seemed quite pleased with itself after that.

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My baby brother Brayden with the biggest grin. He was smiling because my other little brother Jacob was making silly faces, and because he was sitting on the wall all by himself... that made me a bit scared!

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Jacob pushing Brayden at the playground/beach.

And that is all for now!! I didn't realize how homesick I was until I was browsing through all of my old photos, I long to go back home sometimes. But I hope you enjoy the photos I've taken and maybe next time I will have a few more posted, more recent ones of course.  

(All photos were taken with my cell phone)

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