Yea that s probably how I looked on occasion!!
After I had completed sixth grade, my mom decided that enough was enough and my siblings and I were pulled out of the public school system. For the first time ever we were to be homeschooled everyone except my older brother (he is another blog post altogether!). My mom had actually wanted to do this for quite some time but always she was talked down about homeschooling, until she took a stand and took it upon herself to make sure her children were provided with a better "education". I was highly skeptical at first and tried to come up with ways to get my mom to sign me back in to school, my friends and many other people thought it was the most absurd thing they had ever heard of, my how wrong they were. As time passed on though I grew to not only like it but loved being homeschooled and I never wanted to step foot in a brick and mortar educational building again. There was no more stress, no more teachers hounding me, just my mom, siblings and I at home learning highly valuable skills we would need inside and outside the home. Still there was one thing that continued to bother my conscience, I still had college embedded into my brain. I thought to make money, to make a name for myself I had to go because that was all I was ever taught. My mother though tried to teach me differently in all of the little things she did, and I am so grateful to her. Finally God literally had to open my eyes to see was before me all along and He firmly told me in a dream that I was to follow this path and He would lead me to greater things than I could ever dream of. And that is why I chose to be a SAHD.

But there is this common misconception that I must clear up because it is most disturbing. Many people believe that SAHD are lazy and just loafing about waiting for Prince Charming to sweep us off our feet where we live Happily Ever After. Uh no, sorry that only happens in fairytales, not in real life. So, what do we daughters do at home all day? Well I work a full time job you could say, even on Saturdays and a even Sundays. I help cook, clean, look after my siblings, try to earn money, save for my future, write, read, take long walks in nature, spend valuable time with my family, play with my dog, research, do crafts, and much, much more. And you know what? I'd never change a thing about it. Sure I wish financially we were doing better, but all in God's timing. I am trying to find a job and working every way I can to provide for myself and my future, but again it is all in God's timing. Unfortunately I tend to be picky about the jobs laid before me! Yes I know I should be grateful for work but I am the type of person that if I am not happy with a job I cannot do my best, and I become depressed very quickly. It's happened before and I don't want it to happen ever again. I know what I want but it is so hard waiting for it to happen sometimes. God has shown me what I am to be doing, and I am doing my best to be obedient to Him and to everything I believe, but it is difficult when your options are limited.
Now, I am not saying you cannot get a college degree or become certified in a field of your choice, I wholeheartedly believe that you should do this! It doesn't have to be done going to college or anything like that, but it can be done online at home! Once I save up for my birth doula course you can bet I will become certified and will start working as soon as I can be hired! I pray for that day to come soon, I really do. You can get a job, you can get a degree, but it doesn't have to be done society's way, it can be done God's way.
Wow! It's amazing how God got a hold of you! I want to become a birth Doula too! ... although, it probably won't happen for a coupe years because I don't have that much time. ;) Being a stay-at-home-daughter is such a wonderful thing, and I pray that as you continue to do things in the home, that God will guide you each step of the way! Blessings!
Thank you so very much for your sweet comment Caitlin, it made me smile. I too am having difficulty finding the time and the funding to train to become a doula, but God seems to be bringing me down another path that I was not expecting. Thank you again Caitlin and I pray God blesses you on your journey to become whatever he had in store for you.
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