

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My, oh my, how time has flown by.

  Well it has been well over 4 months since I have last posted anything at all on this blog, and for that I am truly sorry about. But I have been so busy with work and just life in general that I have forgotten this poor blog and I feel dreadful knowing that I've left it idle for so long. But hopefully that will change soon probably after the Christmas season has passed considering the fact it can get crazy busy around this time of year. We also had to move to a new house, we are still in North Carolina as of right now and I do hope after the new year that we will be able to move back up north, but I really don't want to get into that story right now because it is just too much and I don't want to discuss it. On a more positive note though, Autumn seems to have finally arrived here in North Carolina! New England is already nice and cold, but it does seems to take forever for it to get colder down here, although the past week has been nice and chilly. I love the cooler weather as I am a miserable person when it is hot outside... Not a pretty picture. Anyways I am rambling way too much, but I do have so many pictures to share though and I am feeling very inspired by a lot of blog posts that I've been reading lately.

 Unfortunately I was not there for the pumpkin carving,
but these are the pumpkins my family carved for Halloween!

 They did an amazing job.

Oh how I just love Autumn!

  As the months have gone by, I've been doing a lot of thinking, praying, and researching what I want to go to school for, it has been a long journey, and now I do believe I know what I want to go to school for. I've thought about it many times but always passed over it thinking how could I ever make enough money (worldly thoughts that I just over-analyze too much) I was just always in competition with the world and I despised myself even more for it. But I prayed and God seems to be leading me into this direction, of becoming an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher. I used to work with children with special needs and I loved teaching them and watching them grow. And I am getting in some good practice helping my siblings and being my Mom's teacher assistant :) I do love it, and I hope next year I will be able to start my classes and be well on my way! I didn't realize how much I actually enjoyed teaching until God opened my eyes to see it and to show me that this was why he kept me home and didn't allow me in a way to go off to school. It was so I wouldn't make a very foolish mistake on one of the biggest decisions in my life. And I am so very happy that I obeyed him, and it helped to have the support of my family, friends, and wonderful bloggers to encourage me to stay strong and keep pressing on.
  Now I have another important question... do I do online classes, or do on-campus classes? I know with online I will be doing some on-campus classes, but I also want to work so I'll have to juggle both. Which do you thing would be better? Any suggestions are much appreciated!!

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